## Section "license" contains properties to configure the license management
# Property "license-file" specifies the path to a demo license file or the name
# of the license server used by the rlm daemon, in the format port@host
# (for example 5053@licserver).
# The port number must be the same as that specified in the HOST line of the
# If empty or not specified, a default path to a demo license file will be
# used (e.g: /usr/share/dcv/license/license.lic). If the default file does not
# exists a demo license will be used.
## Section "log" contains properties to configure the DCV logging system
# Property "level" contains the logging level used by DCV.
# Can be set to ERROR, WARNING, INFO or DEBUG (in ascending level of verbosity).
# If not specified, the default level is INFO
## Section "session-management" contains the properties of DCV session creation
# Property "create-session" requests to automatically create a console session
# (with ID "console") at DCV startup.
# Can be set to true or false.
# If not specified, no console session will be automatically created.
# Property "enable-gl-in-virtual-sessions" specifies whether to employ the
# 'dcv-gl' feature (a specific license will be required).
# Allowed values: 'always-on', 'always-off', 'default-on', 'default-off'.
# If not specified, the default value is 'default-on'.
#enable-gl-in-virtual-sessions = "default-on"
## Section "session-management/defaults" contains the default properties of DCV sessions
# Property "permissions-file" specifies the path to the permissions file
# automatically merged with the permissions selected by the user for each session.
# If empty or absent, use the default file in /etc/dcv/default.perm.
## Section "session-management.automatic-console-session" contains the properties
## to be applied ONLY to the "console" session automatically created at server startup
## when the create-session setting of section 'session-management' is set to true.
# Property "owner" specifies the username of the owner of the automatically
# created "console" session.
# Property "permissions-file" specifies the file that contains the permissions
# to be used to check user access to DCV features.
# If empty, only the owner will have full access to the session.
# Property "max-concurrent-clients" specifies the maximum number of concurrent
# If set to -1, no limit is enforced. Default value -1;
#max-concurrent-clients = -1
# Property "storage-root" specifies the path to the folder that will be used
# as root-folder for file storage operations.
# The file storage will be disabled if the storage-root is empty or the folder
## Section "display" contains the properties of the dcv remote display
# Property "target-fps" specifies the maximum allowed frames per second.
# A value of 0 means no limit. If not specified, or if set to a negative value,
# the target-fps value will be determined according to the server characteristics
## Section "connectivity" contains the properties of the dcv connection
# Property "web-port" specifies on which TCP port the DCV server listens on.
# It must be a number between 1024 and 65535 representing an
# available TCP port on which the web server embedded in the DCV Server will
# listen for connection requests to serve HTTP(S) pages and WebSocket
# If not specified, DCV will use port 8443.
# Property "web-url-path" specifies a URL path for the embedded web server.
# The path must start with /. For instance setting it to "/test/foo" means the
# web server will be reachable at https://host:port/test/foo.
# This property is especially useful when setting up a gateway that then
# routes each connection to a different DCV server.
# If not specified DCV uses "/", which means it will be reachable at
# Property "enable-quic-frontend" specifies whether the DCV server
# also enables the use of the QUIC transport for clients which support it.
# If not specified, DCV will not enable QUIC.
# Property "quic-port" specifies on which UDP port the DCV server listens.
# It must be a number between 1024 and 65535 representing an
# available UDP port on which the QUIC server embedded in the DCV Server will
# listen for requests connections by clients using the QUIC transport.
# If not specified, DCV will use port 8443.
# Property "idle-timeout" specifies a timeout in minutes after which
# a client that does not send keyboard or mouse events is considered idle
# and hence disconnected.
# By default it is set to 60 (1 hour). Set to 0 to never disconnect
## Section "security" contains the properties related to authentication and security
# Property "authentication" specifies the client authentication method used by
# the DCV server. Use 'system' to delegate client authentication to the
# underlying operating system. Use 'none' to disable client authentication and
# grant access to all clients.
# Property "pam-service-name" specifies the name of the PAM configuration file
# used by DCV. The default PAM service name is 'dcv' and corresponds with
# the /etc/pam.d/dcv configuration file. This parameter is only used if
# the 'system' authentication method is used.
# Property "auth-token-verifier" specifies an endpoint (URL) for an external
# the authentication token verifier. If empty or not specified, the internal
# authentication token verifier is used